
Snow falling

With my DEAR DEAR DEAR Cousins !

With my DEAR DEAR DEAR Cousins !


24/3/2012 !

last nite JCI Taiping Installation at Perdana Hotel!
my second time perform on the stage =)
hapi =D

Denice, Alicia, Wan Yin, Jayvin n me performed..

Justin Bieber-Down To Earth xD

although nt vry vry we had tried our best !
thx to them ! =)

tat hotel's service bad-.-
i knw><

my JC's frens..

more geng ><

thy say the food nt delicious.
straight away write <sup ini tak sedap> on the tissue..
n let them take bek~~

BESIDES, they still wirte 2nd time !
<udang terlalu kecil> la them xDD

but make us siapai nia..haha xDD

Doesn.t matter la...thr stil gt something nice 1 xD
tat place beautiful..

can take picture ! =P

i've taken a lot of pictures! 
sweet memories =))

tis 1 at school..
took with wan yin in the morning when we training the song! =D

pretty Kai Ling ! =)
last nite she brought a lot of fun for us !

i like to joke wif her..


with best jimui..
Wai Kei n Wan Yin ! =)
we juz took 1 pic nia..

the oni 1..
took pic in the toilet =DD
my name tag senget again-.-

a smile ! =)

sad n hapi oso gt ! 

nvm la..
today i slp enuf sure wil bcm hapi d :)

byebye!! ^^

