
Snow falling

With my DEAR DEAR DEAR Cousins !

With my DEAR DEAR DEAR Cousins !



Hi , I am back !
Sorry for abandoning this blog such a long time :P

hmmm.. the main reason is I was busy in my co-curricular and studies for the past few months.

So tired to say, I'm really exhausted !
By the way, I'm still feeling happy now ! Although I lost everything in Darul,
but I really gain back a lot of things in Convent now.

Friendships, Academics, Co-curricular and HAPPINESS !

I like the life at there ! :D
oh, not like.

Just like a normal student.
No need to take such a big responsibility . No need to duty for prefects. 
No need to see all those people.

I have a lot of time to rest , to study, to play.

My form 5 life is just like : PLAY, STUDY, ENJOY !
wow ! 
I never thought that I would have such a happy FORM 5 life .

The most important thing,
I have gained some true friends there !

They are all very friendly, kind and helpful .

Take care of me. Teach me a lot of thing and tell me a lot of jokes !

And now, We are used to study, play and laugh with each other everyday.

Most of us come from different class, SC1 , SC2 , SC3, SC4, TS :D
But we all always stick together whenever we go.

Haha, everyday recess we will play until crazy before going back class.
Actually I have no idea why they all like to scold me SAMPAT TANG ! xD

And I will laugh them NOOB :D

I could even remember,
One day the stupid Kwek said me bor nao (brainless) .
then I stare at her and pointing my head said : I have brain. Just I didn't use it when talking.

All of them just laughed like hell.

and continue scolding me bor nao !
 Sometimes we will hit and push each other when walking, then chase with each other.
And shouting when chasing.
haha. WE are very childish.
Let me show my gang ! xD

 This 1 is Miao . She is playful and noob :P
My tablemate.
always make me laugh until mad.

When We all went to Panorama to celebrate birthday of Tan last year :)

Hari Kantin in February !
Our class was preparing mushroom soup :D

These four are my close frens...we always stick together :D

We all playing the SPM baloon !
Over- excited when taking picta xD

 Five of us again !
This photo was taken in February, CNY- Day 9 !

We all go back to sch for Merentas Desa ~ xD

Haha, I'm so happy and enjoying my life with them now :D
Playing that time play, studying that time study.

We all just have 1 target :
GET straight As together.

We all have our own dreams. own target to score.

I have learnt a lot from them :)

about old school..
I don't have much thing to say.

At first I really thought we will still be good frens even though I leave.
But I have seen all your change in this year....

When meet at tuition, some just like don't knw me at all..
And some even worse,
started to be self-centred and gang up to boycott your own frens


I don't knw wat is the main cause seriously...
And I also dnt have the right to know :)


Last Night, my dear cousin birthday !
Thanks to her camera ~

Took a family photo for us and straight away can get it !

I like this photo seriously ! :D

With my cute cousin ! She is naughty and noisy :P

I have two photos to post !

When I was form 3, cut a short hair and regretted !
Pray and hope everyday my hair will become longer.

But seriously, it does not work.
Everything needs time to change.

It takes a long time to grow long.  And my wish come true now :)

feeling excited ! xD
Now !

Haha. That's all for today :D

